Alerta do Google - Alabama State

Alabama State
Atualização assim que ocorre 19 de outubro de 2016
#BamaSits represents growth in diversification at Alabama's flagship institution of higher learning, say the core group of out-of-state students leading ...
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Ed Packard, director of elections for the Alabama Secretary of State's office, confirmed the office is investigating a complaint about the council's actions ...
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As many as 36,000 Alabamians must file amended 2015 state income tax returns due to programming errors in the preparation software. The Alabama ...
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Alabama House Minority Leader Craig Ford says he is considering a run for ... Ford also said he believes the state Democratic Party needs new ...
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Zeigler: Don't Give Bentley 'Get out of impeachment free' Card
By Josh Moon. Alabama Political Reporter. Holding up an enlarged copy of a "Get out of jail free" card from a Monopoly board game, Alabama State ...
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