Alerta do Google - Alabama Weather

Alabama Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 29 de novembro de 2016
"Unfortunately, northwest Alabama is in the enhanced risk area," he said. "The situation is dicey right now. We have a risk of all forms of weather.".
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Once sworn into office, Donald Trump will be in a strong position to dismantle some of President Barack Obama's efforts to reduce planet-warming ...
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(AP Photo/Khalid Mohammed). Iraq's Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi speaks during an interview with the Associated Press in Baghdad, Iraq, Monday, ...
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Strong winds knocked down trees and caused power outages across west Alabama Monday night, as the first thunderstorm in more than two months ...
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Severe weather update - 510 pm
The line of intense thunderstorms is right on time, crossing into NW Alabama as I write this blog. The winds out ahead of the storms have been very ...
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