Alerta do Google - Alabama Weather

Alabama Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 1 de dezembro de 2016
But November through February make up Alabama's "secondary" season, and that's backed up by data from the National Weather Service in ...
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Alabama tornados kill three, destroy homes, businesses ... The National Weather Service said at least four tornados hit the state early Wednesday ...
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Weather radios are triggered by transmitter. Darden says, "We have six weather radios that cover north Alabama and southern Tennessee, and our ...
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CHAMBERS COUNTY, AL (WTVM) - Surveyors from the National Weather Service estimate that the storms that traveled through east Alabama ...
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While no weather-related fatalities were reported in Georgia by 6:30 p.m., three were killed in a suspected tornado in a mobile home in Rosalie in ...
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(AP) - Jim McElwain never had a quarterback at Alabama quite like Jalen Hurts. The freshman has emerged as the top-ranked Crimson Tide's most ...
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Five Dead, Seven Injured After Tornadoes in Alabama, Tennessee
At least five people have died and seven have been injured after severe weather and reported tornadoes tore across the states of Alabama and ...
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