Alerta do Google - Alabama Weather

Alabama Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 7 de janeiro de 2017
Good morning from the frozen tundra that is Central Alabama. Just imagine hearing that with John Facenda from "NFL Films" of the '70s saying it.
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Road conditions are quickly deteriorating in some sections of Alabama ... The National Weather Service in Birmingham is urging people to avoid travel ...
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Police in Alabama said roads in parts of the state were impassable, ... State troopers said they had responded to several weather-related crashes and ...
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UPDATE 10:55 a.m.: The National Weather Service has extended the Winter Storm Warning into portions of west Alabama. The forecast for Lee ...
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Winter Weather Advisory: Dallas, Autauga, Elmore, Lowndes, Montgomery, Macon, Lee, Wilcox, Crenshaw, Butler, Monroe, Conecuh, Covington.
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