Alerta do Google - Alabama Weather

Alabama Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 8 de janeiro de 2017
Trucks having problems getting over the hills and backing up traffic. This was taken by Shelby County Sheriff's Office. (Source: JP Dice/WBRC).
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Winter weather and potentially dangerous road conditions led officials to ... A wide area Alabama was pelted with sleet and a light blanket of snow ...
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Bridges usually will ice over before roads because of the cold air that surrounds the structure on all sides. Travel is still not advised to northern parts of ...
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Roads and bridges in Tuscaloosa County were covered in ice Saturday morning, with officials still urging drivers to stay home until around noon. All ...
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(Special to Print Email ... "We really didn't plan it at all,'' she said. ... "And a lot of people were already on social media watching the weather.".
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HUNTSVILLE, Ala. - Whether you're excited or disappointed by the accumulation so far this winter, students at the University of Alabama in Huntsville ...
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Clemson is eager to complete some unfinished business after losing a thriller 45-40 to Alabama last year. Tigers Coach Dabo Swinney said the trip to ...
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They have been such gracious hosts," said Alabama fan Kelly Misko. ... This is the way to do it," said Alabama fan Mike Dickinson, who lives in ...
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Mobile, Alabama, Weather Forecasts
Mobile, AL, local weather including current conditions, extended forecasts, alerts, Alabama weather map and more.
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