Alerta do Google - Alabama Police

Alabama Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 7 de julho de 2017
Police used water cannons and pepper spray to try to push back protesters who threw bottles, bricks and stones on Thursday ahead of the Group of 20 ...
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... West Alabama Narcotics Task Force on Thursday announced the arrest of Christopher Williams. He is 43, and lives in Demopolis. Tuscaloosa police ...
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Hartselle Police, the motel owners and Cooper ensured her safety and comfort. ... "She was in good hands, good hands in the people of Alabama.".
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A backpack blower was reported stolen between 9:45 a.m. and 10 a.m. Tuesday from a front yard in the 1300 block of Alabama Avenue. Someone ...
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Alabama terror suspect 'wanted to behead people'
Aziz Sayyed, 22, is accused of plotting a nail bomb attack in Huntsville, Alabama, where police say he spoke about his desire to behead people and ...
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