Alerta do Google - Alabama Weather

Alabama Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 28 de julho de 2017
The Flash Flood Watch continues for * Portions of central Alabama, east central Alabama, northeast Alabama, northwest Alabama, and west central ...
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Weather delays Martin Rd. Mainline reopening on Memorial Pkwy. ... but Seth Burkett with the Alabama Department of Transportation tells me they're ...
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Around 7,000 emergency workers were called in to help after storms caused widespread damage across Instanbul. [AFP]. At least 10 people have ...
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A cold front currently sits north of Alabama, slowing pressing southward in ... as the front nears, our weather will take a turn in a much more pleasant direction. ... The boundary pushes into south Alabama late tomorrow and clears the ...
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The former Alabama senator says he serves at the pleasure of the president and will remain at the head of the Justice Department until Trump decides ...
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