Alerta do Google - Alabama Police

Alabama Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 18 de novembro de 2017
The body of a missing Atlanta rapper has been found in Alabama, ... Police have also confirmed the second body that was found about about 4 miles ...
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[–]eromitlabAlabama [score hidden] 2 hours ago (0 children). I only knew Killen as a blatantly obvious speed trap on US 72. Good to know the police ...
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Small-Town Alabama Police Chief Posts 'Sarcastic' Sexual Abuse Statements About Doug Jones
In the wake of sexual assault allegations against U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore, a small-town Alabama police chief took to Facebook this week to ...
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Small-town Alabama police chief posts 'sarcastic' sexual abuse statements about Doug Jones
In a phone interview with, Hammond said none of it was true, that he was making a joke.
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