Alerta do Google - Alabama Weather

Alabama Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 1 de dezembro de 2017
If you watch Netflix, use Facebook, make purchases online, or check your email you've likely benefited from net neutrality. It's a set of regulations passed in 2015, when the Federal Communications Commission placed rules on your internet service providers. There's a vote to repeal the rules expected in ...
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LOS ANGELES - Late night host Jimmy Kimmel stepped up his feud with U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore, saying he's open to fighting the Republican in his home state of Alabama. Kimmel made the comments in reference to a Twitter fight with Moore on Thursday. It began when Moore took issue with ...
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After all, Moore is not alone. Across the aisle, Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) and Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) are also betting that if they just hang on, Americans will forget and they too can survive. Clinton paved the way for Donald Trump to weather the "Access Hollywood" video, for Franken and Conyers ...
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Expect the clouds to hang tough Friday night across the area with overnight lows in the lower 40s. The weather should be fantastic for the Christmas parades in Cullman and Altoona. We will likely see some patchy fog develop again after 9 p.m. and linger through early Saturday morning. If you're driving ...
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Some 55,000 people were reportedly affected by the bad weather while over 3,000 people have been displaced. According to the island ... Bangaluru is sufficiently inland to see little rain during this season but already the expected amount for all of December has fallen in one day. Manjunath Kiran/AFP.
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Cloudy Skies Keeping The Temperatures Cooler At Midday
We have a mass of clouds that are taking a long time to dissipate over Central Alabama at this point, and most reporting stations are coming back with cloudy readings. Looking at the temperatures at 12:30 PM, you can tell where the sun is shining compared to where the clouds are keeping the sun ...
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