Alerta do Google - Alabama Weather

Alabama Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 30 de dezembro de 2017
ATLANTA (AP) — Forecasters issued winter weather advisories across much of the Deep South ahead of plunging temperatures that are expected to last for the next several days. The advisories in place Saturday covered eastern Louisiana and most of Mississippi and Alabama. The National Weather ...
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The Twitter feed mainly posts formal news and updates about Ruwais, while the Facebook account is more fun and community based. Street scenes, portraits of nature and snaps of the weather all feature. It was the lack of coverage about Ruwais in the media that led Emirati Abdulla Alshehi to create the ...
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A Comprehensive Look at the Impacts, Watches and Advisories for the Southeast
Our New Year's Eve winter weather event and the Arctic blast that will follow it have prompted National Weather Service Offices around the Southeast to issue a variety of watches and advisories. Of the most urgent importance are the winter weather advisories posted by National Weather Service Offices ...
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