Alerta do Google - Alabama Weather

Alabama Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 20 de janeiro de 2018
I also argued that Federal weather-climate infrastructure and personal must always be valued as "essential" assets like our military and homeland security. As I write this, political entities have come to a stalemate again, and the U.S. government has been shut down. There is blame on all sides as such ...
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Jackson, AL (WKRG) - One home is destroyed and no injuries are reported after a Friday night fire in Jackson Alabama. Jackson Police Chief Jerry Taylor says the people living in the home were out at the time of the fire and no one was hurt. The Kimbrough street home is described as a total loss.
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The papers also reported on the damage the high wind and cold weather has left on the Palestinian cities and farmers. Al-Quds said the US State Department has denied that its ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, a staunch pro-Israel and pro-settlements American diplomat, has moved his office to ...
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Warming Kicks In; Wet Monday
What a difference a day makes! Take a look at the warming that went on overnight from the temperature trace at my weather station in Helena. My low was 15 degrees yesterday morning, but it looks like it will be 39 degrees today. Spectacular!! But drought has also raised its ugly head as much of ...
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Boaz Police Department experiences a pipe break during freezing weather
BOAZ, Ala. — Many are recovering from the freeze that occurred in north Alabama this week including the Boaz Police Department. A pipe near one of ...
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